This is a link to a videoclip showing the amazing results of teaching from such a young age, this little lady is only 2 years old and has been learning French with the Petits Poussins programme for only a few weeks. Enjoy!
Do you want to enhance your child’s language learning at school or nursery? Do you feel disappointed that your child doesn’t have access to learning a second language? Are you a teacher and do you feel you could benefit from some training, support and lesson/resource ideas? Could we be of service to your child’s school/nursery teachers by providing sessions or training the staff to deliver fun
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I have to say that having used this product for several years, we are most impressed. It is mainly used to back up the Petits Poussins curriculum, to reinforce vocabulary learned and so that the children can hear someone else speaking French other than a Petits Poussins teacher. It would only be used once a session has been delivered, the main vocabulary that the children will hear in the
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