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Monthly Archives: May 2013

Au Feu les Pompiers! A great Transport song

 le pompier  [leuh pomp-ee-ay] the fireman When we teach we like to use exciting songs that make the language experience fun for the children. As you know our motto is ‘Making Languages Fun!’ We often put a twist into songs or adapt them so that it reinforces our questions or the vocabulary that we have been covering.  When we sing Au Feu les Pompiers we
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The Petits Poussins love to hide and so does Pocoyo!

Sébastien, our mascot monkey, often likes to play the game cache-cache with the Petits Poussins as we practice our counting and verbs. Chercher [shershay] is the verb ‘to look for’ in French and Trouver [troovay] is the verb ‘to find’.  We often ask the children ‘on va chercher Sébastien?’ [ohn va shershay Sébastien]- are we going to go and look for Sébastien? When we
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