Sébastien, our mascot monkey, often likes to play the game cache-cache with the Petits Poussins as we practice our counting and verbs. Chercher [shershay] is the verb ‘to look for’ in French and Trouver [troovay] is the verb ‘to find’. We often ask the children ‘on va chercher Sébastien?’ [ohn va shershay Sébastien]- are we going to go and look for Sébastien?
When we find him we shout coucou [coo-coo] – hiya/peek-a-boo
We just love the verb cacher [cashay]. Say it to you child and see what they do!
We use it often in the sessions with its variants…
Cache les yeux [cash layz yeuh] – hide your eyes
Cache, cache, cache [cash cash cash] hide, hide hide
Click on the video clip from our ami [am-ee] friend, Pocoyo and check out our vocabulary guide below.
This time we find him playing at hide and seek, cache-cache [cash-cash].
Here’s the vocabulary from the video clip ‘Pocoyo Joue à Cache-Cache’
Bonjour [bohn-joor] – hello/good morning/good afternoon
Jouer à cache-cache –[joo-ay ah cash-cash] – to play hide and seek
Coucou – hi-ya/peek-a-boo
Où est Pocoyo? [oo ay Pocoyo]
Il est là/elle est là [eel ay la/el ay lah]- he/she is there
Que veux-tu faire ? [keuh veuh tew fayr] – what do you want to do ?
Jouer [joo-ay] – to play
Un jeu [uhn j-euh] – a game
Un poisson [uhn poisson] – a fish
Dans la mer [dahn la mer] – in the sea
Des bras [day bra] – some arms
Le fôret [leuh fo-ray] – the forest
La fleur [la fl-euhr] – the flower
L’arbre [lar-breuh] – the tree
Le pied – [leuh pee-ay]- the foot
Dormir [dor-meer] – to sleep
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