We hope that you are becoming familiar with how we strive to continually supply high quality French teaching services. Following our success, we have worked really hard to train our new Italian teachers to our high standards, and have been so excited and proud watching them deliver our curriculum in Italian following our tried and tested teaching methods.
I only wish you could have been there to see the results as children, as young as one, who have been receiving French lessons with Petits Poussins staff, used their spoken French with the Petits Poussins staff, and joined in during the Italian Piccoli Pulcini sessions! They would then speak English too! It really has to be seen to be totally appreciated. The children were demonstrating understanding as they spoke back in Italian and made associations with the French they had already picked up! It was such a proud moment for us. Our staff have spent may weeks following our training programme and totally delivered a session whilst Making Languages Fun!.
Remember our technique is special and has to give results and be fun at the same time, we only speak in the target language to give an optimum learning experience for the children. It’s as though they get a little journey to the country of the language they hear spoken for part of their day. Our specialist curriculum is written and delivered in such a way that the children and staff understand most of what we are saying as we teach and also retain what they have learned.
If you wish to come along and see for yourself, please get in touch, we offer a FREE TASTER SESSION.
We are also starting new adult French and Italian classes too. Please contact us for further details and venues.
Merci e Grazie!
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