’Le Poussin Piou’ Song…
We have already posted the Italian version of this song, it’s brilliant!! It exsits in lots of languages too! This is a great way of learning the animals and the noises that they make. Believe it or not the dog doesn’t say “woof-woof” in French, he says “ouaf ouaf” The cow says “meuh”…Watch out for the ending, poor poussin!
À la radio – on the radio [ah lah rad-ee-oh]
un poussin [poo-sahn] piou [pee-ou] - a chick
une poule [pool] cot cot [cot-cot] – a chicken
un coq [coc] cocorico [coc-ee-ree-co] – a cockrel
un dinde [dand] glouglouglou [gloo-gloo-gloo] – a turkey
un pigeon [pee-gee-ohn] roucoule [roo-cool] – a pigeon
un chat [sha] miaou [mee-ah-oow] – a cat
un chien [she-ahn] ouaf [waff] – a dog
une chèvre [sh-eh-vreuh] bêê [bay] – a goat
un agneau [an-yo] mee [may] – a lamb
une vache [vash] meuh [m-euh] – a cow
un taureau [toh-roh] muu [moow] – a bull
un tracteur [trac-teuhr] bruum [broowm] – a tractor
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Merci beaucoup et à très bientôt… see you real soon!
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